Session 3: Onward to Phandalin


The party ties up the remaining goblins, leaving Klarg's head on a stick in front of the cave as a warning, before continuing on to town.

After arriving in Phandalin, they collect rewards for returning captured merchandise, and find out that there is a new threat in Phandalin. A gang of ruffians, known as the "Redbrands" has been terrorizing townsfolk and shopkeepers aorund the town. Led by a mysterious figure called "Glasstaff", multiple parties offer the group a reward for driving out the Redbrands. The adventurers capture a Redbrand Thug and attempt to set up a meeting with Glasstaff, however when they arrive at the intended meeting point Glasstaff is nowhere to be seen. Instead they are greeted only by the severed head of their captured Redbrand.

Seeing no other option, the party sneaks into the Redbrand's hideout through a tunnel in the forest. They quickly pass through an unnerving cavern, followed by psychic cries of hunger and anguish. As they make their way through the hideout they encounter traps, the undead, and a few living Redbrands. Eventually they arrive at a crude prison, and free the captives locked within. They escort the prisoners to freedom, and spend the night camped in the woods outside of the hideout.