Session 8: What is Dead May Never Die

Encounter of the Week: Flameskull Faceoff - Posts - D&D Beyond


Immeral, low on funding for his research, decided to hunt down a buyer for his Potion of Heroism. After some time spent searching he managed to offload his potion and is now 500 gold richer.

The Mute spent another week perfecting his cooking. He is only one week away from gaining a new skill!

Vrakprax spent some time fighting in the pits and, much to the joy of Darakar, he actually managed to win most of his fights this time.


The "help" that their bugbear compatriot was summoning turned out to be a group of zombies, led by a tiny, flying, magical, burning skull. The bugbear was quickly incinerated, which left the party in a fight for their lives. After an early fireball devastated the group they realized that they may be in trouble. However, through superior tactics and a healthy dose of magic, the party prevailed! Or had they.... 

The tiny skull, although defeated, was not yet dead. Immeral began preparing holy water to ensure it's destruction, but just before he completed the ritual the creature burst back to life with a vengeance! However, greatly depleted in spell slots, and lacking his zombie allies, the adventurers made quick work of this creature the second time around, and ensure it's total destruction through a healthy dose of holy water.

After re-barricading the room and spending the night, the group continued to explore the caverns. They made short work of a group of ghouls before coming upon the heart of the cavern: The Forge of Spells itself. The magical guardian watching over the forge presented some initial trouble, but was handily dispatched by the battle-hardened adventurers. The group pauses to take stock of the treasures now in their possession, the greatsword Dio'Ghaltis and the crossbow Nak'Vamni. Meanwhile the Black Spider is still lurking somewhere in the shadows of this massive cavern....