Session 10: To Slay a Dragon


Vrakprax has 5 weeks left on Forging

No other downtime is used.


The party explores the last corners of the Lost Mines, finding a magical driftglobe and encountering a rather self-obsessed spirit named Mormesk. They manage to convince this apparition to return to the wide world, managing to avoid a fight, but with what consequences?

Upon leaving the cave they are met once again by an arrogant wood elf and his horned owl. He tells the party of a rift in the Zhentarim, forcing him to relocate his base of operations as he gathers his power. The elf, known as Aethulian, cuts a deal where the party receives 10% of the profits from Wave Echo Cave. In return, they will allow Aethulian to use both the cave and Phandalin for his own purposes. They also promise to rid Phandalin of the dragon Venomfang, and his associated cult, in return for an unknown magical item.

On the trail back to Phandalin they meet a disheveled looking minstrel, who goes by the name "Honest Ted". At first a source of amusement, his never ending chatter quickly becomes a nuisance to some party members. However, he is rather determined and difficult to get rid of.

In Phandalin the party separates and eliminates the cultists in small groups while Venomfang sleeps, leaving only the dragon himself left to handle. With Honest Ted in tow the party heads up to Tresendar Manor and, after a valiant fight and well placed magics, they defeat Venomfang! They collect a great amount of gold from the dragons lair, as well as a Ring of Evasion from Aethulian, and Honest Ted composes a poem to mark the momentous occasion:

    There once was a scary green dragon
    Who terrorized a whole innocent town
        But the adventurers of Ted
        Cut off his head!
    Then went back to the bar for a flagon! 

He is not very good, but the thought is there....