Session 13: New Beginnings

After heading to Luskan and collecting their reward from the Arcane Brotherhood, the party continues South to Waterdeep, collecting Honest Ted along the way.

On the road South they encounter Sir Covric, a holy knight of Tyr who refuses to let the "unclean" tiefling pass. After defeating the knight and purchasing his squire, the party continues on. The squire, Jeffrey, becomes fast friends with Honest Ted.

In Neverwinter Darakar seeks out the Harper's, and is given a task: Cleanse whatever has been terrorizing farmers in Neverwinter Wood, and become a full member of the Harper's. In addition to the task, he is given a brass pin in the shape of a harp to mark his interest in joining the organization.

Vrakprax also looks into joining an organization, although a less altruistic one than the Harper's. In order to join the Zhentarim he must acquire something of personal value to another, something from a defeated for, and something of great monetary value.

The party finally ends up in Waterdeep and Immeral and the Mute spend the afternoon searching for, and finding, a route into the Undermountain and Downshadow. They are told of entrances in two different inns; the Yawning Portal, and the Knight n' Shadow. Of the two, the Knight's entrance is far more pleasant. Meanwhile Darakar finds out what it would take for Honest Ted to become a real Bard.